Hello world!An “APP” to measure your actions in favor of the planet

Text by: Ilán Greenfield

Does it have to come from above? Does it have to come from below? Does it have to come from the higher ups, from the large-scale dispositions of the people in power? Or of the daily actions of each citizen? How do we save the planet? How do we reverse the consequences of climate change?

It is clear, now, that to positively impact the environment, we must act together. And we, the citizens, are a key piece for this. We can, in real terms, contribute to change through what we do.

Mindo Cloudforest Foundation (MCF), in its tireless fight to conserve nature, has created an innovative initiative to modify the paradigms of the past: a digital application that measures your efforts in favor of the environment. And with every effort you make, an opportunity to take advantage of the pure air and special experiences that nature can offer you.

The so-called ‘Chocó biosphere’ is one of these magical points of our nature – an axis of the lung planetary. And in the last two hundred years, it has suffered the indiscriminate destruction of its habitat. These lush forests are so powerful that they produce their own clouds; its own rain; they offer an indispensable balance for nature; they buffer erosion and droughts for the benefit of people across the country. Its variety of species of ora and fauna is among the most biodiverse on the planet. Its endless vivid landscapes have fascinated visitors from all over the world. And they become increasingly popular as a new destination to go to.

That makes you curious to know this fabulous destination, that you want to venture to this universe of cloud forests and experience the well-being that its nature offers in its purest form, that is also an important contribution. In the words of Senegalese environmentalist Baba Dioum, “you will only take care of what you love and you will only love what you know.”

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